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Monday, April 14, 2014

Change is Good

Change is good.  Sudden change has a momentum to it.  A roller coaster can be a thrill or terrifying.  I have been sweating in my palms while I wait for to get on this ride.  Yes, I am terrified of the ride.  But the feeling after riding the ride is a feeling of adrenaline and victory.  When I am on the ride,  my mind realizes that there is no turning back.  After the first dive as my heart races, I become the ride and began to enjoy the unexpected jolts and turns.

Today was like unto waiting in line for that terrifying ride.  I had been sleeping mentally ever since I was laid of on April 4, a little over a week ago.  I am unemployed and my next move is unknown to me.  But today was my first day awake to the possibilities of life.  I had no ideas, but I had the knowing that my life was always getting better.  Yes change is good for me.

I work up today of to a slow start, but still off on walking.  This was not the time to sprint just walk and think.  I had a list of things to do.  I completed all 7:  I washed, mailed my Godson his birthday gift, paid my rent, successful set up form applications, completed my resume my friend Z's website and posted a blog post.

I rewarded myself with going to a networking event at Toshi's Living Room and Penthouse.  I even did a few 'How To New York City' interviews.  Change is very good and today I was able to see that life was making a turn for the best.  It was a very good day.

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